My friends, I am so blessed. I got back from a retreat this weekend with the Eli Segal Fellows. The network is kind of a long story, so if I haven't already told it to you then ask and I'll explain. Basically I'm part of a network of social justice minded people who want to support each others' professional and personal pursuits. Well I connected with a gal, Jess, who is interested in talking about/helping to start City Year Atlanta. Oh my goodness! I have my team. Step one in this endeavor was (in the words of Michael Brown) to find a partner because then I would have instant team. I also had a thought when I was first introduced to this Network: that you all are a part of this network as well. Jill, I talk about you all the time and mentioned you about a million times this weekend to the point of Toni, the program manager, saying she has to meet you. The Segal Network is very strong in Boston because it's based out of Brandeis and so she would love to have coffee/lunch one weekend and get to know you. I think you would hit it off. Or I should visit you soon and we should do something with the fellows in Boston. I think of this Network as not only a great resource for me but my co-workers, corps members, friends and family. And Layton, another thought I first had was how much this was like lightshiners. Especially with you recent text, I couldn't help thinking about that this weekend and how my connection to these people is connecting them to that idea we have. I feel like every day the reality of Ubuntu resonates with me more and more. I basically want to have conversations around this. I'm new to the Segal Network, but I'm excited about making it a strong part of my life.