Saturday, December 4, 2010

Feelings Fall

"You make me want to be a better person than you."

Is it possible

the power of Human Energy.

moves us far beyond rational choice...

enabling you to


it's not the end of the world.
Nos estamos prontos para ajuda-lo.
ever mindful
heart of "A Voyage of
Growth and Discovery,"
Unrelieved--a sexual
Heaviness marries me

Sunday, November 21, 2010

short but great

I had an amazing trip to Texas last weekend. It felt normal, like going back home in a sense. I don't know what that surprised me so much. I spent two of the most significant years of my life to date there. There was plenty of time to see friends. Time in Austin with Layton was so refreshing. It was a much needed clense. I'm learning just how exhausting my job can be. But I'm also learning the ways I make it more overwhelming than it needs to be. I've been so wrapped up in the drama of my team that my best friend's birthday came and went without me. I get frustrated with myself too easily and I'm reminding myself everyday that this uncomfortable growth is the thing of which leaders are made. I'm building up a good support network here. I stayed up til 3 in the morning last night being artistic with my downstairs neighbor, Jess. I spent significant time cooking and baking this weekend. I'm thrilled to be going home to see my family and some friends in just a few days. I'm pledging to live life fully here in DC and that doesn't mean City Year 24/7. This work/life balance is a tough row to hoe, but I need to figure it out sooner rather than later. Alright, enough thoughtless rambling.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

death defying tight-rope walk

My friends, I am so blessed. I got back from a retreat this weekend with the Eli Segal Fellows. The network is kind of a long story, so if I haven't already told it to you then ask and I'll explain. Basically I'm part of a network of social justice minded people who want to support each others' professional and personal pursuits. Well I connected with a gal, Jess, who is interested in talking about/helping to start City Year Atlanta. Oh my goodness! I have my team. Step one in this endeavor was (in the words of Michael Brown) to find a partner because then I would have instant team. I also had a thought when I was first introduced to this Network: that you all are a part of this network as well. Jill, I talk about you all the time and mentioned you about a million times this weekend to the point of Toni, the program manager, saying she has to meet you. The Segal Network is very strong in Boston because it's based out of Brandeis and so she would love to have coffee/lunch one weekend and get to know you. I think you would hit it off. Or I should visit you soon and we should do something with the fellows in Boston. I think of this Network as not only a great resource for me but my co-workers, corps members, friends and family. And Layton, another thought I first had was how much this was like lightshiners. Especially with you recent text, I couldn't help thinking about that this weekend and how my connection to these people is connecting them to that idea we have. I feel like every day the reality of Ubuntu resonates with me more and more. I basically want to have conversations around this. I'm new to the Segal Network, but I'm excited about making it a strong part of my life.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


My last post was roughly one year ago. I think with the recent geographical change it's about time to start up again because my "typical" routine was shaken and I have emerging thoughts in my head. There is so much I should have been writing about the last few months. Alas... the blanks will start to slowly fill themselves in I'm sure. I have recently found myself separated from 2 amazing people, Jill and Layton. So I'm hoping if I'm better about reading Layton's blog she'll read mine and it'll help us remain close. I remember when taking my move out to San Antonio thinking about all the wonderful people I've met in my life. Most importantly San Antonio brought Jill into my life and I miss her terribly.

So basically, I'm back. I don't have internet at my apartment yet, so the posts will be weekly on average. Please read, comment, and enrich my virtual reality.