Wednesday, June 11, 2008

numero uno

hola mis amigos!

The initial motivation for creating this blog is the fact that I'm going to San Antonio Texas in August to do an AmeriCorp program called City Year. And of course blogs are the most efficient way to keep everyone informed. I've thought about starting blogs in the past, but always to no avail. This one WILL be different. It has to be. Failure is not an option.

I wanted to attempt to describe what this blog will be for me, so you'll know what to expect if you decide to check it out. All I can come up with is expect the unexpected. I've never been able to find a label or a box to push and squeeze myself into. Hopefully, one day soon, no one will be able to. I'm on a constant road of self-discovery so I apologize for the randomness, but I hope you'll find it an eye-opening ride. I do expect a multitude of posts and comments. I thrive on feedback so please please share your thoughts. I could go into all the meanings behind the title. Of course there has to be multiple complex, insightful, inspirational meanings. The ambition is that they will all decide to reveal themselves in due time. The one insight I do want to leave you with is a wonderful mantra from an even more wonderful world changer "light up the darkness."

1 comment:

Layton said...

point of fact: according to yahoo's babelfish translator, oscuridad translates as "the dark" while oBscuridad translates as "darkness." Weird, huh? Miss you!

ps. I promise that if you overcome your fear of charleston and come visit me, I'll *try* to overcome my fear of the ocean. I'm really determined this time because I want to learn how to surf. Crazy huh?