Monday, August 11, 2008


Oh the joy of squeezing my entire life into a Honda Civic and van. This life, mind you, includes two 45 lb dogs. Deciding what to take and what to leave behind is more heart-breaking than expected, so I'm taking a break to watch a bootlegged version of the Dark Knight my sister found, with the Olympics on in the background, and now a blog post in front of me as well. I'm excited because my housing situation, through all of it's twists and turns, has finally turned into a pretty sweet deal. If all goes as planned, I'll be living in a 3 BR duplex with 2 other City Year team members for less than $300/mo each. Amazing. Everything happens for a reason. I can't wait to be done with all the packing and be there, unpacking (which is my favorite thing to do) and exploring all San Antonio has to offer. I can't even describe all the emotions running through my head! nervousness, happiness, sadness, hope, regret. You have to come to terms with a time period in your life when you find yourself moving into the next chapter. My college years are what they were and I can't say I'm disappointed. I'm in a good place and it's thanks to a multitude of unexpected events, people, and opportunities. I can't wait to see what the next adventure has to offer and the way everyone I care about will grow with me.

1 comment:

suziXcore said...

Hello dear cousin of mine! I also have a blog, however... I am very vulgar and random and it really has nothing to do with anything except with what I am thinking at the moment. haha. BUT you are welcome to read it for entertainment on those late night of no sleep!
